URI | https://w3id.org/seas/TimeOntology |
Namespace | https://w3id.org/seas/ |
homepage | https://ci.mines-stetienne.fr/seas/index.html |
Description | This ontology defines: - a set of subclasses of `seas:Evaluation` to better interpret evaluations of quantifiable properties. - a set of sub properties of `seas:hasProperty` to qualify time-related properties. @en |
Language |
Creator |
Maxime Lefrançois
Contributor |
Antoine Zimmermann
Erkki Siira
Takoua Ghariani
Marc Girod-Genet
Gabriel Santos
Francisco Silva
Lynda Temal
Brigida Teixeira
Hannu Järvinen
Jarmo Kalaoja
Publisher |
SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) project
Comment | (2017-08-29) Gabriel Kepeklian: Insteed "seas", we suggest to use the prefix "seast" for unicity. (Gabriel Kepeklian) |