  • A vocabulary to represent the AutomationML Standard - IEC 62714 @en
  • The AMLO-core is the main module of the AMLO projects that extends the Financial Industry Business Ontology (FIBO) with some concepts to describe the Anti Money Laundering (AML) knowledge and facts. @en
  • The Battery Testing Ontology (BTO) is an application-level ontology belonging to EMMO's ecosystem, meant to model battery testing methodologies and techniques, like the partial discharge test. BTO is connected and aligned with a number of EMMO-based ontologies, including CHAMEO, Battery Domain Ontology and Electrochemistry. @en
  • The Building Concrete Monitoring Ontology (BCOM) is defined for capturing information of concrete work, concrete curing and testing of concrete properties. Further Information on the development and usage of the Ontology can be found in the following publication: Liu et al. (2021): An ontology integrating as-built information for infrastructure asset management using BIM and semantic web. In: Proceedings of 2021 European Conference on Computing in Construction, Online eConference, URL: https://ec-3.org/publications/conferences/2021/paper/?id=167 @en
  • The Building Topology Ontology (BOT) is a simple ontology defining the core concepts of a building. It is a simple, easy to extend ontology for the construction industry to document and exchange building data on the web. Changes since version 0.2.0 of the ontology are documented in: https://w3id.org/bot/bot.html#changes The version 0.2.0 of the ontology is documented in: Mads Holten Rasmussen, Pieter Pauwels, Maxime Lefrançois, Georg Ferdinand Schneider, Christian Anker Hviid and Jan Karlshøj (2017) Recent changes in the Building Topology Ontology, 5th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC2017), November 13-15, 2017, Dijon, France, https://www.researchgate.net/publication/320631574_Recent_changes_in_the_Building_Topology_Ontology The initial version 0.1.0 of the ontology was documented in: Mads Holten Rasmussen, Pieter Pauwels, Christian Anker Hviid and Jan Karlshøj (2017) Proposing a Central AEC Ontology That Allows for Domain Specific Extensions, Lean and Computing in Construction Congress (LC3): Volume I – Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Computing in Construction (JC3), July 4-7, 2017, Heraklion, Greece, pp. 237-244 https://doi.org/10.24928/JC3-2017/0153 @en
  • Ontology for Cloud Computing Instances. Instance are classes of VM that comprise varying combinations of CPU, memory, storage, and networking capacity. This ontology allows to define the instantiation model of MVs used in large cloud computing providers such as Amazon, Azure, etc. @en
  • Simple and direct pricing ontology for Cloud Computing Services. This ontology allows to define model of prices used in large cloud computing providers such as Amazon, Azure, etc., including options for regions, type of instances, prices specification, etc. @en
  • Ontology for the definition of regions and zones of availability on CloudComputing platforms and services. This ontology allows to define model of regions used in large cloud computing providers such as Amazon, Azure, etc. @en
  • The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology is an extension of DCAT v2.0, a W3C Recommendation ontology for describing (RDF and non-RDF) datasets published on the Web. Using this extension, it becomes possible to describe a context for construction-related datasets that are being distributed using Web technology as well as datasets that are not shared outside an organization such as local copies, work in progress and other datasets that remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses the temporal context (period or snapshot), the type of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc.) and relations between contextualized datasets (previous as-built, requirements related to a design, etc.). In addition, this DCAT extension also provides terminology for managing dataset distributions that are scoped to a certain (named or default) graph of an RDF file or quadstore. @en
  • An Ontology for Consumer Electronics Products and Services @en
  • An ontology containing additional terminology for structuring and annotating RDFS/OWL taxonomies for describing constructions (components, materials, spatial zones, damages, construction tasks and properties). It also functions as an index for known taxonomies starting from root classes and properties. @en
  • The COO provides a vocabulary for exposing available configuration options for car models. It allows indicating choices that can be made as well as compatibility, dependency, and inclusion information. The ontology imports and extends the GoodRelations ontology for e-commerce @en
  • This is the core module in Materials Design Ontology. @en
  • A vocabulary to represent Constraint Satisfaction Problems (CSPs) in which constraints are expressed by Boolean expressions on fluents. @en
  • The Construction Tasks Ontology (CTO) describes tasks operating on construction elements, spatial zones and/or damages. The tasks are either planned or executed depending on the dataset metadata context of the dataset its used in. Five different types of tasks are defined: instalment, removal, modification, repair and inspection. Consequences of tasks on the dataset, i.e. added and/or deleted triples, are modeled using reified statements. The tasks can link to a reified statement using the CTO relations. @en