  • This document describes the RDFS vocabulary description used in the Metadata Vocabulary for Tabular Data along with the default JSON-LD Context. @en
  • The Data Knowledge Vocabulary allows for a comprehensive description of data assets and enterprise data management. It covers a business data dictionary, data quality management, data governance, the technical infrastructure and many other aspects of enterprise data management. The vocabulary represents a linked data implementation of the Data Knowledge Model which resulted from extensive applied research. @en
  • This ontology is a reduced-in-scope version of the [W3C Decisions and Decision-Making Incubator Group](https://www.w3.org/2005/Incubator/decision/)'s Decision Ontology (DO) which can be found at <https://github.com/nicholascar/decision-o>. It has been re-worked to align entirely with the W3C's [PROV ontology](https://www.w3.org/TR/prov-o/) since it is widely recognised that analysing the elements of decisions *post hoc* is an exercise in provenance. Unlike the original DO, this ontology cannot be used for *normative* scenarios: it is only capable of recording decisions that have already been made (so-called *data-driven* use in the DO). This is because PROV, to which this ontology is completely mapped, does not have a templating system which can indicate what *should* occur in future scenarios. This ontology introduces only one new element for decision modelling over that which was present in the DO: an Agent which allows agency in decision making to be recorded. @en
  • The initiative Aragón Open Data was initiated by agreement of 17 of July of 2012 of the Government of Aragon. Under the same was ordered the start of the project to open public data and on February 6, 2013 was implemented through the Portal <a href="http://opendata.aragon.es/"> opendata.aragon.es </a>. Throughout this time there have been numerous works to achieve automation in the publication of information to ensure that third parties can reuse it in the best way. Given the volume of data that begins to exist, within the line of work of automation in information management, all those elements that help in the improvement of the <b> structuring of information </b> and the <b> standardization of the data </b> contained in the databases are beginning to have a special relevance. Based on this, within the General Directorate of Electronic Administration and Information Society, the idea arises of generating a set of technical and legal rules that allow to deepen in that standardization and that lead to think in the creation of the Interoperable Information Scheme Of Aragon (E2IA). The E2IA thus emerges as the framework in which the open data and in general the information of the Government of Aragon can begin to be automated in a much more profound way. The E2IA has to have a number of technical, organizational and legal elements that need to be developed. For this reason, the Technological Institute of Aragon (ITAINNOVA) has been entrusted with carrying out actions consisting in identifying, studying and analyzing current research trends and technological development in relation to ontologies and dictionaries of data interoperability, defining the ontological proposal, performing The necessary tests to validate the ontological proposal and generate the text and web versions of the ontology. @en
  • This RDF vocabulary can be use to describe and categorize annotations involving entity mentions (sub-strings of text) that link to knowledgebase identifiers @en
  • The General Ontology for Linguistic Description (GOLD) was created primarily for applications involving descriptive linguistics. @en
  • Gleaning Resource Descriptions from Dialects of Languages Vocabulary @en
  • The GVP Ontology defines classes, properties and values (skos:Concepts) used in GVP LOD. It is complete regarding AAT and TGN (as of version 2.0), and will be extended in time with more elements needed for the other GVP vocabularies (ULAN, CONA). @en
  • This vocabulary aims at providing interoperability between SKOS and ISO 25964 ‐ 1:2011, the new standard for thesauri @en
  • This ontology is a version of the ISO TC211, Group for Ontology Management (GOM)'s OWL ontology interpretation of the ISO19160-1:2015 "Addressing -- Part 1: Conceptual model" standard (see https://www.iso.org/standard/61710.html) taken from that ontology's source code, published at https://github.com/ISO-TC211/GOM/tree/master/isotc211_GOM_harmonizedOntology/19160-1/2015. @en
  • Term definitions for singular and plural label properties @en
  • Lemon: The lexicon model for ontologies is designed to allow for descriptions of lexical information regarding ontological elements and other RDF resources. Lemon covers mapping of lexical decomposition, phrase structure, syntax, variation, morphology, and lexicon-ontology mapping. @en
  • Version 2.0 of LexInfo Ontology, based on Lemon @en
  • An ontology for using languages as resources @en
  • This ontology is a composition of some content design patterns for the semiotic triangle. Its structure is extracted from DOLCE-Ultralite (DOLCE+c.DnS), but it uses a different terminology, @en