Version 2.0 of LexInfo Ontology, based on Lemon @en, Онтология типов, значений и свойств, используемых совместно с онтологией lemon, частично является производной от ISOcat @ru
(2014-11-27) Bernard Vatant: Deleted false positive versions. Removed link to lmf.
(2012-08-01) Bernard Vatant: Versions up to 1.0 are based on lmf, version 2.0 is based on lemon. History and dates of v2.0 to be reviewed when available. Version 1.0. was cloned for a while at, but this clone is now off-line.
(2014-06-12) Bernard Vatant: Updated version history, link to lemon ontology, and contributors. Last version has complete metadata.
(2013-10-29) Ghislain Atemezing: Clearly missing a human readable documentation to have a quick view on the classes and properties.
(2016-01-18) Ghislain Atemezing: Annual review - no updates from last year review
(2016-07-13) Ghislain Atemezing: Russian labels added with this new version based on the work of Evgeny Cherkashin