  • The objective of gUFO is to provide a lightweight implementation of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) [1-5] suitable for Semantic Web OWL 2 DL applications. Intended users are those implementing UFO-based lightweight ontologies that reuse gUFO by specializing and instantiating its elements. There are three implications of the use of the term lightweight. First of all, we have employed little expressive means in an effort to retain computational properties for the resulting OWL ontology. Second, we have selected a subset of UFO-A [1, 2] and UFO-B [3] to include here. In particular, there is minimalistic support for UFO-B (only that which is necessary to establish the participation of objects in events and to capture historical dependence between events). Third, a lightweight ontology, differently from a reference ontology, is designed with the purpose of providing an implementation artifact to structure a knowledge base (or knowledge graph). This has driven a number of pragmatic implementation choices which are discussed in comments annotated to the various elements of this implementation. The 'g' in gUFO stands for gentle. At the same time, "gufo" is the Italian word for "owl". For the source repository, see: <https://github.com/nemo-ufes/gufo> @en
  • The goal of this ontology design pattern is to characterise a subject or group of subjects of interest by assigning qualifiable or quantifiable attributes or characteristics. @en
  • An ontology of information objects, encodings and realizations, as a plugin to DOLCE-Ultralite @en
  • ISO 37120 – Sustainable Development and Resilience of Communities – Indicators for City Services and Quality of Life (under TC268) http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/ISO37120.html This OWL file defines a class for each indicator defined in the ISO 37120 standard. Names for each indicator are provided. Text definitions are provided only for Economy, Education and Energy indicators, due to copyright restrictions imposed by ISO. This file is meant to provide a single URI for each indicator. An ontology for representing an indicator's supporting data plus meta information such as provenance, validity and trust can be found in: http://ontology.eil.utoronto.ca/GCI/Foundation/GCI-Foundation.owl Documentation of the ontology can be found in: http://eil.utoronto.ca/smartcities/papers/GCI-Foundation-Ontology.pdf @en
  • LIME (LInguistic MEtadata) is a vocabulary for expressing linguistic metadata about linguistic resources and linguistically grounded datasets. @en
  • Specification of the metadata used to describe models in the OntoUML/UFO Catalog. @en
  • OpenVocab is a community maintained vocabulary intended for use on the Semantic Web, ideal for properties and classes that don't warrant the effort of creating or maintaining a full schema. OpenVocab allows anyone to create and modify vocabulary terms using their web browser. @en
  • Search engines including Bing, Google, Yahoo! and Yandex rely on schema.org markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages. @en
  • A content ontology pattern that encodes a basic semiotic theory, by reusing the situation pattern. The basic classes are: Expression, Meaning, Reference (the semiotic triangle), LinguisticAct (for the pragmatics), and Agent. A linguistic act is said to be context for expressions, with their meanings and references, and agents involved. Based on this pattern, several specific linguistic acts, such as 'tagging', 'translating', 'defining', 'formalizing', etc. can be defined, so constituting a formal vocabulary for a pragmatic web. @en
  • This ontology was designed to conceptualize symbolic meanings following Baudrillard's Simulacra and Simulation theory. Symbols, their meaning, the context in which the symbolic meaning (or simulation) exists and the source of the simulation are linked to a N-ary Simulation Class. @en
  • The instances of this ontology have been automatically generated from the UCUM (The Unified Code for Units of Measure). See http://aurora.rg.iupui.edu/UCUM/ for more details on UCUM. The members of the MyMobileWeb consortium explicitly acknowledge the copyright of the data from the UCUM ontology. @en
  • UMBEL provides a general vocabulary of classes and predicates for describing domain ontologies, with the specific aim of promoting interoperability with external datasets and domains. @en