OpenVocab is a community maintained vocabulary intended for use on the Semantic Web, ideal for properties and classes that don't warrant the effort of creating or maintaining a full schema. OpenVocab allows anyone to create and modify vocabulary terms using their web browser. @en
(2013-04-14) Ghislain Atemezing: Some new metadata equivalence and extension found with 4 external vocabularies have being added. TODO: Need to add the hcard microformat in LOV
(2014-04-09) Bernard Vatant: The vocabulary namespace is now 404. The Turtle file is still available, but community work and evolution of the vocabulary seems to have ended. Kept here for historical interest, but to use with caution.
(2013-03-11) Bernard Vatant: Started by Ian Davis in 2008 as a collaborative vocabulary service, this vocabulary is by design the champion of re-using other vocabularies. Version date is the one of the file in the directory, but it's not clear from this URL how the vocabulary is managed today.
(2014-05-18) Bernard Vatant: Checking creation dates in the Turtle file shows the vocabulary has been actively maintained in 2010 and 2011, but the content does not seem to have changed since 2011-11-25. Last version date has been put back to this conservative value, and other versions deleted, as they seemed to be false positive.
(2015-04-20) Bernard Vatant: Annual review. No change. Relying on more and more obsolete vocabularies, such as those under