  • EmOCA is used to contextualize dimensionnal emotion and to categorize it for human readability. @en
  • This is a vocabulary for modeling jobs offer in Spain. @en
  • Endpoint Status vocabulary intends to describe endpoint availability @en
  • Describes the main classes and properties which EPrints adds to voID, DC, BIBO and SKOS etc @en
  • PROV extension for linking Plans and parts of plans to their respective executions. @en
  • The goal of this module is to represent the equipment hierarchy model involved in the tribological experiments. @en
  • This is the human and machine readable Vocabulary/Ontology governed by the European Union Agency for Railways. It represents the concepts and relationships linked to the sectorial legal framework and the use cases under the Agency´s remit. Currently, this vocabulary covers the European railway infrastructure and the vehicles authorized to operate over it. It is a semantic/browsable representation of the RINF and ERATV application guides that were built by domain experts in the RINF and ERATV working parties. Since version 2.6.0, the ontology includes the routebook concepts described in appendix D2 \"Elements the infrastructure manager has to provide to the railway undertaking for the Route Book\" (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2019/773/oj) and the appendix D3 \"ERTMS trackside engineering information relevant to operation that the infrastructure manager shall provide to the railway undertaking\". @en
  • The ontology of the taxonomy "European Skills, Competences, qualifications and Occupations". The ontology considers three ESCO pillars (or taxonomy) and 2 registers. The three pillars are: - Occupation - Skill (and competences) - Qualification For the construction and use of the ESCO pillars, the following modelling artefacts are used: - Facetting support to specialize ESCO pillar concepts based on bussiness relevant Concept Groups (e.g. species, languages, ...) - Conept Groups, Thesaurus array and Compound terms (as detailed in ISO 25964) to organize faceted concepts - SKOS mapping properties to relate ESCO pillar concepts to concepts in other (external) taxonomies (e.g. FoET, ISCO88 and ISCO08. More mappings can be added in the future.) - Tagging ESCO pillar concepts by other (external) taxonomies (NUTS, EQF, NACE, ...) - Capture gender specifics on the labels of the ESCO pillar concepts - Rich ESCO concept relationships holding a description and other specific characteristics of the relation between two ESCO pillar concepts. ESCO maintains two additional registers: - Awarding Body - Work Context Awarding Bodies typically are referenced by ESCO qualifications. Occupations can have one or more work context. @en
  • A vocabulary for the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). This vocabulary is designed to be used in combination with the metadata schemes/vocabularies/ontologies: dcterms, good relations, foaf, vcard, organization and schema.org - this is defined in the Dublin Core Application Profile of the SSE. Developed by the ESSGlobal group of the Intercontinental Network for Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) Organisation. @en
  • EUPont is an ontology to model high level rules for Internet of Things End User Programming (IoT-EUP). @en
  • The EUropean Research Information Ontology (EURIO) conceptualises, formally encodes and makes available in an open, structured and machine-readable format data about resarch projects funded by the EU's framework programmes for research and innovation. @en
  • The Evaluation ontology describes evaluation of [`seas:Property`ies](https://w3id.org/seas/Property). There may be: - direct evaluations, or - qualified evaluations. @en
  • Vocabulary to describe an Exif format picture data. All Exif 2.2 tags are defined as RDF properties, as well as several terms to help this schema. @en
  • The MarketPlace Agent and Expert Ontology (MAEO) is an ontology for modeling experts, expertise, and more broadly, knowledge providers and knowledge seekers for the subject areas of Materials Modeling. MAEO is an EMMO-compliant application ontology, and has been loosely aligned with a number of existing ontologies, including Friend-Of-A-Friend (FOAF) and five recently-developed EMMO-based domain ontologies for the classification of materials, models, manufacturing processes, characterization methods and software products related to Materials Modeling. @en
  • An OWL representation of parts of the Geographic Metadata model described in ISO 19115:2003 with Corrigendum 2006 - EX Package @en