  • The Crime Event Model is an ontology for the representation of crime events extracted from local newspapers. It could be employed for Crime Analysis purposes: extracting crime information from newspapers and enriching them with proper machine-readable semantics is a critical task to help law enforcement agencies at preventing crime, supporting criminal investigations and evaluating the action of law enforcement agencies themselves. The model is based on the fundamental 5W1H journalistic questions, that are Who?, What?, When?, Where?, Why? and How?. Another important requirement was the attempt to exploit existing knowledge graphs and ontologies such as the Simple Event Model (SEM) Ontology and the Schema.org data model for interoperability and interconnection. @en
  • The Cultural Event module models cultural events, i.e. events involving cultural properties. @en
  • The ontology aims at modelling the data on cultural institutes or sites such as data regarding the agents that play a specific role on cultural institutes or sites, the sites themselves, the contact points, all multimedia files which describe the cultural institute or site and any other information useful to the public in order to access the institute or site. Moreover, the ontology represents events that can take place in specific cultural institutes or sites. @en
  • This vocabulary is based on the EPC Information Services Specification http://www.gs1.org/sites/default/files/docs/epc/epcis_1_0_1-standard-20070921.pdf @en
  • This ontology deals with the notion of reified events - events seen as first-class objects. @en
  • This ontology defines feature of interest and their properties, as an extension of the core classes of the SSN ontology (https://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/). A feature of interest is an abstraction of a real world phenomena (thing, person, event, etc). A feature of interest is then defined in terms of its properties, which are qualifiable, quantifiable, observable or operable qualities of the feature of interest. Alignments to other ontologies are proposed in external documents: - [SSNAlignment](https://w3id.org/seas/SSNAlignment) proposes an alignment to the [SSN ontology](http://www.w3.org/ns/ssn/). - [QUDTAlignment](https://w3id.org/seas/QUDTAlignment) proposes an alignment to the [QUDT ontology](http://qudt.org/). @en
  • Ontology for representing exceptions to reporting of parents, for entities registered with a Legal Entity Identifier. The Global Legal Identifier System (GLEIS) requires that legal entities with an LEI provide information on their ultimate and direct accounting consolidating parents. Relationship reporting is mandatory with exceptions allowed for certain well-defined reasons. This ontology provides a simple structure for recording reasons for each exception by LEI. @en
  • The objective of gUFO is to provide a lightweight implementation of the Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO) [1-5] suitable for Semantic Web OWL 2 DL applications. Intended users are those implementing UFO-based lightweight ontologies that reuse gUFO by specializing and instantiating its elements. There are three implications of the use of the term lightweight. First of all, we have employed little expressive means in an effort to retain computational properties for the resulting OWL ontology. Second, we have selected a subset of UFO-A [1, 2] and UFO-B [3] to include here. In particular, there is minimalistic support for UFO-B (only that which is necessary to establish the participation of objects in events and to capture historical dependence between events). Third, a lightweight ontology, differently from a reference ontology, is designed with the purpose of providing an implementation artifact to structure a knowledge base (or knowledge graph). This has driven a number of pragmatic implementation choices which are discussed in comments annotated to the various elements of this implementation. The 'g' in gUFO stands for gentle. At the same time, "gufo" is the Italian word for "owl". For the source repository, see: <https://github.com/nemo-ufes/gufo> @en
  • The notion of territory plays a major role in human and social sciences. In an historical context, most approaches are irrelevant as they rely on geometric data, which is not available. In order to represent historical territories,we conceived the HHT ontology (Hierarchical Historical Territory) to represent hierarchical historical territorial divisions, without having to know their geometry. This approach relies on a notion of building blocks to replace polygonal geometry @en
  • An ontology for publishing descriptions of historical events as Linked Data, and for mapping between other event-related vocabularies and ontologies. @en
  • A vocabulary, or music ontology, to describe classical music and performances. Classes (categories) for musical works, events, instruments and performers, as well as related properties are defined. Make sure to distinguish musical works (e.g. Opera) from performance events (Opera_Event), or works (String_Quartette) from performer (StringQuartetEnsemble in this vocab), whose natural language terms are used interchangeblly. The present version experiments more precise model to describe a musical work, its representations (performances, scores, etc) and a musical event to present a representation (a concert). Includes 30 keys as individuals. @en
  • Open 311 Ontology This ontology generalizes the concepts that appear in 311 open data files published by several cities (Toronto, New York, Chicago, Vancouver) across North America. It provides a generis representation of 311 data that other cities can map their data onto and be used as a means of achieving interoperability. @en
  • This Vocabulary provides the means to create a document which describes a large event or other connected series of events. The primary purpose is to help humans comprehend the programme, not describe absolute truth. A single event (or even series) may have multiple programmes. @en
  • The SeaLiT Ontology is a formal ontology intended to facilitate the integration, mediation and interchange of heterogeneous information related to maritime history. It aims at providing the semantic definitions needed to transform disparate, localised information sources of maritime history into a coherent global resource. It also serves as a common language for domain experts and IT developers to formulate requirements and to agree on system functionalities with respect to the correct handling of historical information. The ontology uses and extends the CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model (ISO 21127:2014), in particular version 7.1.1, as a general ontology of human activity, things and events happening in space and time. @en
  • The SEM Ontology defines entities that make up the context of an event: Events, Actors, Places, Times. @en