  • Metadata4Ing defines classes and properties or reuses such classes and properties from other ontologies to describe research processes and research data management in NFDI4Ing. New concepts and properties are located in the namespace of Metadata4Ing. Metadata4Ing does not import complete ontologies for the sake of relevance, readability, understandability and usability by and for engineers. Instead, it tries to make re-use of existing identifiers for classes and properties by re-using all or a relevant subset of the axioms from the original ontology. These statements have been extracted in different ways, e.g. by using Protégé tools importing an ontology and copying axioms of relevant items to Metadata4Ing or by download from data services or raw files of ontologies and manual copypasting. In some cases there was a need to extend or modify the original set of statements about an entity, e.g. because labels and definitions were expressed with a different owl:AnnotationProperty than the rest of Metadata4Ing, or because a skos:preflabel or a skos:definition in any of the languages we would like to support was missing. Any editorial changes on elements from external ontologies are declared in Metadata4Ing by an annotation with skos:editorialNote at item-level. To get the original set of statements we encourage to visit the original namespace of the respective item. Metadata4Ing reuses elements from the following ontologies: - BIBO = Bibliographic Ontology - BIRO = Bibliographic Reference Ontology - DCAT = Data Catalog - DCTERMS = Dublin Core Terms - FOAF = Friend of a Friend - OWL = Web Ontology Language - PROV = Provenance Namespace - QUDT = Quantities, Units, Dimensions and Types - RDF = Resource Description Framework - RDFS = RDF Schema - SCHEMA = schema.org - SKOS = Simple Knowledge Organization System - SSN = Semantic Sensor Network Ontology - VANN = Vocabulary for Annotating vocabulary descriptions - XSD = XML Schema Definition - EMMO = European Materials and Modelling Ontology - BFO = Basic Formal Ontology - RO = Relation Ontology - PIMS-II = PIMS Interoperability Infrastructure - D-SI = Digital System of Units @en
  • The Muninn Military Ontology marks up information about military people, organizations and events. @en
  • Our goal is to significantly improve the data mobility between all stakeholders by providing a standardized vocabulary using Semantic Web technologies and ontologies. For the open vocabulary covering various mobility aspects we use RDF (Resource Description Framework) - a recommended specification of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the so-called lingua franca for the integration of data and web. We invite everyone who is interested to join our MobiVoc initiative and to participate in the development of the Open Mobility Vocabulary. @en
  • Vocabulary to describe fridges and freezers @en
  • The Ontology for Managing Geometry (OMG) is an ontology for describing geometry descriptions of objects. It provides means to support the application of multiple geometry descriptions of the same object as well as the description of the geometry evolution over time. The OMG is based the concepts introduced in the Ontology for Property Management (OPM) ontology. This ontology was created within the research project SCOPE, funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The initial version of the ontology (v0.0.1) is documented in: Wagner, Anna, Bonduel, Mathias, Pauwels, Pieter & Rüppel, Uwe(2019). Relating Geometry Descroptions to its Derivatives on the Web. In Proceedings of the European Conference on Computing in Construction (EC3 2019). Chania, Greece. @en
  • A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Core module. @en
  • Public Contracts Ontology offers a means of expression for describing public contracts in the public sector @en
  • The Places Ontology is a simple lightweight ontology for describing places of geographic interest. @en
  • A vocabulary which represents the Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI), including the concept of the Administration Shell I4.0 Component. @en
  • RDA Relationships for Persons, Corporate Bodies, Families @en
  • Defines possible roles linking agents to FRBR objects (works, expressions, manifestations, items) @en
  • The ontology is aimed at the support of research groups in the field of Business Modeling and Knowledge Engineering (BMaKE) in their collaborative work for qualitatively analyzing scholarly papers as well as sharing the results of that analyses and judgements. @en
  • An ontology for modeling entities of research communities such as persons, organisations, publications (bibliographic metadata) and their relationship @en
  • A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Syntax and semantics module. @en
  • This vocabulary defines temporal entities such as time intervals, their properties and relationships. @en