This vocabulary describes the entities which may be derived from a URI and the relationships between them, such as Internet Domains, prototcols, file suffixes etc. It was initially issued as part of an April 1st gag, but has utility beyond the initial joke. @en
WSMO-Lite is a lightweight approach to the semantic annotation of Web service descriptions, defined by the STI2 working group Conceptual Models for Services @en
This ontology is for use in describing
Workspaces. Workspaces are places where data is stored and associated policies of privacy.
A given application typically stores information in several different
workspaces, some being user private, some shared, and some public.
it is crucial that the user has easy control over the destiny of information. @en
This ontology contains a list of the classes and properties that can be used when for creating and publishing a controlled vocabulary dataset for xAPI communities of practice. @en
This is a vocabulary collection utilized by XHTML Family modules and document types using XHTML Modularization, including XHTML Role and XHTML + RDFa as defined in rdfa-syntax. @en