Le vocabulaire des organisations enregistrées est un profil de l'ontologie des organisations pour décrire les organisations ayant acquis un statut légal au travers d'un processus d'inscription formel, typiquement dans un registre national ou régional. @fr, The Registered Organization Vocabulary is a profile of the Organization Ontology for describing organizations that have gained legal entity status through a formal registration process, typically in a national or regional register. @en
(2013-01-09) Ghislain Atemezing: RegOrg is different from the Org vocabulary, but they are related. See http://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-regorg/#relOrg for the relationship with the Org vocabulary.
(2013-08-24) Thomas Francart: Added english + french description
(2014-01-02) Bernard Vatant: Vocabulary URI set to http://www.w3.org/ns/regorg