A general purpose ontology for observable properties. The ontology supports description of both qualitative and quantitative properties. The allowed scale or units of measure may be specified. A property may be linked to substances-or-taxa and to features or realms, if they play a role in the definition. @en
(2014-01-31) Bernard Vatant: Part of a series of vocabularies developed by the Australian Government Information Management Office (AGIMO) and Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CISMO) to represent scientific observations in various fields.
(2014-02-05) Bernard Vatant: Imports http://qudt.org/1.1/vocab/quantity which is not included in LOV because it's a value vocabulary (instances of classes defined in the qudt vocabulary)
(2015-03-11) Bernard Vatant: Still lacks time metadata and versioning information. Latest version change might be a false positive.