Under this name space new properties and classes needed for the lobid.org service are defined . Already existing properties and classes which are (re)used in lobid.org aren't documented here. @en
(2012-03-02) Bernard Vatant: A very small vocabulary of which size indicates a good underlying practice : the lobid.org dataset is reusing a lot of other LOV vocabularies, so this one will grow only insofar as elements of description needed for lobid.org dataset are not found anywhere else.
(2013-09-30) Bernard Vatant: Version history available at https://github.com/lobid/vocabs/commits/master/lobid-vocab.ttl
(2013-04-13) Bernard Vatant: URI and namespace changed to http://purl.org/lobid/lv#, both redirecting to the former vocabulary URI http://lobid.org/vocab/lobid#.