(2014-05-15) Bernard Vatant: The xml:base declared in the file http://www.loted.eu/ontology is 403, but http://loted.eu/ontology works fine. Link to the new ontology namespace from the documentation page has a weird redirect behaviour, so the status of the new version is unclear.
(2013-05-19) Bernard Vatant: A new version of this ontology is under development at http://loted.eu/ontology2/
(2015-04-10) Bernard Vatant: Investigating with the creator of v2 whether and how to include it as a separate vocabulary or a new version of this one. The new version is maintained on Google Code https://loted2.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/core/, and has to be migrated since Google Code is bound to close by the end of 2015.