Codes for describing coordinates reference systems consistently with ISO TC/211. French translations of terms and definitions are mainly taken from the multilingual glossary of ISO/TC 211 available online: @en, Codes pour la description de systèmes de coordonnées de référence conforme ISO TC/211. Les traductions françaises des termes et leurs définitions sont pour la plupart issues du glossaire multilingue ISO/TC 211 disponible ici: @fr
(2014-07-30) Ghislain Atemezing: A vocabulary for coordinate reference systems published by IGN-France, one of the output of the Datalift Project.
(2015-07-06) Ghislain Atemezing: New version released on 2015-05-05, with a nice versioning documentation. Now better coverage of the labels translation.
(2016-07-11) Ghislain Atemezing: Added new version with updates of the vocabulary.