Ontology for healthcare metadata - especially metadata found in DICOM files (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine, see http://dicom.nema.org/). Author: Michael Brunnbauer, Bonubase GmbH (www.bonubase.com). The author's email address is brunni@netestate.de. See http://purl.org/healthcarevocab/v1help for explanations. @en
(2014-07-28) Bernard Vatant: By far the largest vocabulary in LOV, actually a candidate to be removed given this very size.
(2013-07-13) Ghislain Atemezing: This vocabulary is a starter for DICOM experts. It has many long names and special conventions for naming classes/properties. It could have been great to have more comments and more use of external taxonomies.
(2015-12-26) Ghislain Atemezing: Annual review OK. This page http://purl.org/healthcarevocab/v1help explains the concepts of the vocabulary.