  • The euBusinessGraph (`ebg:`) ontology represents companies, type/status/economic classification, addresses, identifiers, company officers (e.g., directors and CEOs), and dataset offerings. It uses `schema:domainIncludes/rangeIncludes` (which are polymorphic) to describe which properties are applicable to a class, rather than `rdfs:domain/range` (which are monomorphic) to prescribe what classes must be applied to each node using a property. We find that this enables more flexible reuse and combination of different ontologies. We reuse the following ontologies and nomenclatures, and extend them where appropriate with classes and properties: - W3C Org, W3C RegOrg (basic company data), - W3C Time (officer membership), - W3C Locn (addresses), - schema.org (domain/rangeIncludes and various properties) - DBpedia ontology (jurisdiction) - NGEO and Spatial (NUTS administrative divisions) - ADMS (identifiers), - FOAF, SIOC (blog posts), - RAMON, SKOS (NACE economic classifications and various nomenclatures), - VOID (dataset descriptions). This is only a reference. See more detail in the [EBG Semantic Model](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dhMOTlIOC6dOK_jksJRX0CB-GIRoiYY6fWtCnZArUhU/edit) google document, which includes an informative description of classes and properties, gives examples and data provider rules, and provides more schema and instance diagrams. @en
  • A vocabulary to represent relations that should be more transparent, usually between powerfull people or institutions @en