  • The Denotative Description module encodes the characteristics of a cultural property, as detectable and/or detected during the cataloguing process and measurable according to a reference system. Examples include measurements e.g. length, constituting materials e.g. clay, employed techniques e.g. melting, conservation status e.g. good, decent, bad. In this module are used as template the following Ontology Design Patterns: - http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/collectionentity.owl - http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/classification.owl - http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/descriptionandsituation.owl - http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/cp/owl/situation.owl @en
  • The DOLCE+DnS Ultralite ontology. It is a simplification of some parts of the DOLCE Lite-Plus library (cf. http://www.ontologydesignpatterns.org/ont/dul/DLP397.owl) @en
  • The euBusinessGraph (`ebg:`) ontology represents companies, type/status/economic classification, addresses, identifiers, company officers (e.g., directors and CEOs), and dataset offerings. It uses `schema:domainIncludes/rangeIncludes` (which are polymorphic) to describe which properties are applicable to a class, rather than `rdfs:domain/range` (which are monomorphic) to prescribe what classes must be applied to each node using a property. We find that this enables more flexible reuse and combination of different ontologies. We reuse the following ontologies and nomenclatures, and extend them where appropriate with classes and properties: - W3C Org, W3C RegOrg (basic company data), - W3C Time (officer membership), - W3C Locn (addresses), - schema.org (domain/rangeIncludes and various properties) - DBpedia ontology (jurisdiction) - NGEO and Spatial (NUTS administrative divisions) - ADMS (identifiers), - FOAF, SIOC (blog posts), - RAMON, SKOS (NACE economic classifications and various nomenclatures), - VOID (dataset descriptions). This is only a reference. See more detail in the [EBG Semantic Model](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dhMOTlIOC6dOK_jksJRX0CB-GIRoiYY6fWtCnZArUhU/edit) google document, which includes an informative description of classes and properties, gives examples and data provider rules, and provides more schema and instance diagrams. @en
  • This is the human and machine readable Vocabulary/Ontology governed by the European Union Agency for Railways. It represents the concepts and relationships linked to the sectorial legal framework and the use cases under the Agency´s remit. Currently, this vocabulary covers the European railway infrastructure and the vehicles authorized to operate over it. It is a semantic/browsable representation of the RINF and ERATV application guides that were built by domain experts in the RINF and ERATV working parties. Since version 2.6.0, the ontology includes the routebook concepts described in appendix D2 \"Elements the infrastructure manager has to provide to the railway undertaking for the Route Book\" (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2019/773/oj) and the appendix D3 \"ERTMS trackside engineering information relevant to operation that the infrastructure manager shall provide to the railway undertaking\". @en
  • A vocabulary for the Social and Solidarity Economy (SSE). This vocabulary is designed to be used in combination with the metadata schemes/vocabularies/ontologies: dcterms, good relations, foaf, vcard, organization and schema.org - this is defined in the Dublin Core Application Profile of the SSE. Developed by the ESSGlobal group of the Intercontinental Network for Promoting the Social and Solidarity Economy (RIPESS) Organisation. @en
  • An ontology of information objects, encodings and realizations, as a plugin to DOLCE-Ultralite @en
  • ISPRA ontology aims at the description of the processes and activities of the Institute in the areas circumscribed by the first published datasets. @en
  • IT Service Management Ontology (ITSMO) provides the vocabulary for annotating resources related to IT Service Management. ITSMO tries to be consistent with 2011 ITIL glossary. @en
  • A Knowledge Model to describe a smart city, that interconnect data from infomobility service, Open Data and other source @en
  • A model for the representation of lexical information relative to ontologies. Decomposition module. @en
  • LinkedGeoData ontology has been derived from concepts defined by Open Street Map @en
  • LIME (LInguistic MEtadata) is a vocabulary for expressing linguistic metadata about linguistic resources and linguistically grounded datasets. @en
  • A vocabulary to describe licenses @en
  • An ontology for using languages as resources @en
  • This ontology is a composition of some content design patterns for the semiotic triangle. Its structure is extracted from DOLCE-Ultralite (DOLCE+c.DnS), but it uses a different terminology, @en