  • A vocabulary for the description of hotels, vacation homes, camping sites, and other accommodation offers for e-commerce @en
  • This ontology describes terms concerning companies, their cross-border movements within the European Union (EU), and associated EU company legislation. @en
  • Ontology for the description of customizable products. It models the configuration process as the traversal of a graph of partially defined products, or "Configurations" @en
  • The Data Knowledge Vocabulary allows for a comprehensive description of data assets and enterprise data management. It covers a business data dictionary, data quality management, data governance, the technical infrastructure and many other aspects of enterprise data management. The vocabulary represents a linked data implementation of the Data Knowledge Model which resulted from extensive applied research. @en
  • This RDF document contains a library of data quality constraints represented as SPARQL query templates based on the SPARQL Inferencing Framework (SPIN). The data quality constraint templates are especially useful for the identification of data quality problems during data entry and for periodic quality checks during data usage. @en
  • The euBusinessGraph (`ebg:`) ontology represents companies, type/status/economic classification, addresses, identifiers, company officers (e.g., directors and CEOs), and dataset offerings. It uses `schema:domainIncludes/rangeIncludes` (which are polymorphic) to describe which properties are applicable to a class, rather than `rdfs:domain/range` (which are monomorphic) to prescribe what classes must be applied to each node using a property. We find that this enables more flexible reuse and combination of different ontologies. We reuse the following ontologies and nomenclatures, and extend them where appropriate with classes and properties: - W3C Org, W3C RegOrg (basic company data), - W3C Time (officer membership), - W3C Locn (addresses), - schema.org (domain/rangeIncludes and various properties) - DBpedia ontology (jurisdiction) - NGEO and Spatial (NUTS administrative divisions) - ADMS (identifiers), - FOAF, SIOC (blog posts), - RAMON, SKOS (NACE economic classifications and various nomenclatures), - VOID (dataset descriptions). This is only a reference. See more detail in the [EBG Semantic Model](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1dhMOTlIOC6dOK_jksJRX0CB-GIRoiYY6fWtCnZArUhU/edit) google document, which includes an informative description of classes and properties, gives examples and data provider rules, and provides more schema and instance diagrams. @en
  • The GoodRelations ontology provides the vocabulary for annotating e-commerce offerings (1) to sell, lease, repair, dispose, or maintain commodity products and (2) to provide commodity services. @en
  • ProVoc (Product Vocabulary) is a vocabulary that can be used to represent information and manipulate them through the Web. This ontology reflects: 1) The basic hierarchy of a company: Group (Company), Divisions of a Group, Brand names attached to a Division or a Group, and 2) The production of a company: products, ranges of products (attached to a Brand), the composition of a product, packages of products... @en
  • A vocabulary for describing tickets for events, transportation, or points of interest for e-commerce. @en
  • A vocabulary to represent relations that should be more transparent, usually between powerfull people or institutions @en
  • A Web vocabulary for describing aspects of used cars for e-commerce. @en
  • The Vehicle Sales Ontology for Semantic Web-based E-Commerce @en
  • A vocabulary for describing Volkswagen-specific features of automobiles and their components @en