The namespace name is intended for use with the PROV family of documents that support the interchange of provenance on the web. @en
This is a vocabulary document and is used to define classes and properties used in
RDF 1.1 Test Cases and associated test manifests.
The URI of the vocabulary is (abbreviated by rdft: in this document).
Turtle and an JSON-LD versions of the vocabulary are also available.
The vocabulary is published by W3C. @en
The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a common data model for sharing and linking knowledge organization systems via the Semantic Web. @en
SKOS-XL defines an extension for the Simple Knowledge Organization System, providing additional support for describing and linking lexical entities. @en
This ontology describes sensors, actuators and observations, and related concepts. It does not describe domain concepts, time, locations, etc. these are intended to be included from other ontologies via OWL imports. @en