  • The Databugger ontology describes concepts used in Databugger, a test driven data-debugging framework that can run automatically generated (based on a schema) and manually generated test cases against an endpoint. @en
  • A lightweight vocabulary to create fine-grained access control policies for Linked Data. @en
  • This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the Agricultural domain. This work has been developed in the context of the STF 534 (https://portal.etsi.org/STF/STFs/STFHomePages/STF534.aspx), which was established with the goal to create three SAREF extensions, one of them for the Agricultural domain. @en
  • This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the building domain by defining building devices and how they are located in a building. This extension is based on the ISO 16739:2013 Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) standard for data sharing in the construction and facility management industries. The descriptions of the classes and properties extracted from IFC have been taken from the IFC documentation. @en
  • This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the Smart City domain. This work has been developed in the context of the STF 534 (https://portal.etsi.org/STF/STFs/STFHomePages/STF534.aspx), which was established with the goal to create three SAREF extensions, one of them for the Smart City domain. @en
  • The objective of SAREF4EHAW is to extend SAREF ontology for the eHealth/Ageing-well (EHAW) vertical. Clause 4.1 of the present document shortly introduces a high level view of the envisioned SAREF4EHAW semantic model and modular ontology, with the retained concepts (i.e. classes) and their relations. SAREF4EHAW extension has been specified and formalised by investigating EHAW domain related resources, as reported in ETSI TR 103 509, such as: potential stakeholders, standardization initiatives, alliances/associations, European projects, EC directives, existing ontologies, and data repositories. Therefore, SAREF4EHAW modular ontology shall both: - Allow the implementation of a limited set of typical EHAW related use cases already identified in ETSI TR 103 509, i.e. - Use case 1 ?elderly at home monitoring and support?, - Use case 2 ?monitoring and support of healthy lifestyles for citizens?, - Use case 3 ?Early Warning System (EWS) and Cardiovascular Accidents detection?. - Fulfil the eHealth Ageing Well related requirements provided in ETSI TR 103 509, mainly the ontological ones that were mostly taken as input for the ontology specification. SAREF4EHAW mainly reuses the following existing ontologies: SAREF, ETSI SmartBAN reference model, SAREF 4 Environment extension and W3C SSN System module. The following figure presents the high level view of SAREF4EHAW ontology. ![SAREF4SYST overview](diagrams/SAREF4EHAW_Model.jpg) For semantic interoperability handling purposes, an ontology based solution, combined with sensing-as-a-service and WoT strategies, is retained for SAREF4EHAW. Therefore, an upper level ontology, at service level, shall also behas been fully modelled (Service class and sub-classes depicted in the previous figure). For embedded semantic analytics purposes, SAREF4EHAW shall behas been designed using the modularity principle (see ETSI TR 103 509) and can thus be mainly described by the following self-contained knowledge sub-ontologies (or modules): HealthActor, Ban, HealthDevice, Function (measured data related concepts included) and Service. @en
  • This is the extension of SAREF for the EEBus and Energy@Home project. The documentation of SAREF4EE is available at http://ontology.tno.nl/SAREF4EE_Documentation_v0.1.pdf. SAREF4EE represents 1) The configuration information exchanged in the use case 'Remote Network Management' according to the EEBus Technical Report, Protocol Specification- Remote Network Management, version, 2015-09-19; 2) The scheduling information about power sequences exchanged in the use cases Appliance scheduling through CEM and remote start' and 'Automatic cycle rescheduling', according to the message structures described in General Message Structures, version 0.1.1, 2015-10-07; 3) The monitor and control information exchanged in the use case 'Communicate appliance status and info on manually planned cycles', according to the monitoring and control part of the Energy@Home Data Model, version 1.0; and 4) the event-based data exchanged in the use case 'Demand Response', according to General Message Structures, version 0.1.1, 2015-10-07. @en
  • This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the environment domain, specifically for the light pollution domain, including concepts like photometers, light, etc. @en
  • SAREF4INMA is an extension of SAREF for the industry and manufacturing domain. SAREF4INMA focuses on extending SAREF for the industry and manufacturing domain to solve the lack of interoperability between various types of production equipment that produce items in a factory and, once outside the factory, between different organizations in the value chain to uniquely track back the produced items to the corresponding production equipment, batches, material and precise time in which they were manufactured. SAREF4INMA is specified and published by ETSI in the TS 103 410-5 associated to this ontology file. SAREF4INMA was created to be aligned with related initiatives in the smart industry and manufacturing domain in terms of modelling and standardization, such as the Reference Architecture Model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI), which combines several standards used by the various national initiatives in Europe that support digitalization in manufacturing. The full list of use cases, standards and requirements that guided the creation of SAREF4INMA are described in the associated ETSI TR 103 507. @en
  • The present document is the technical specification of SAREF4SYST, a generic extension of [ETSI TS 103 264 SAREF](https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_ts/103200_103299/103264/02.01.01_60/ts_103264v020101p.pdf) that defines an ontology pattern which can be instantiated for different domains. SAREF4SYST defines Systems, Connections between systems, and Connection Points at which systems may be connected. These core concepts can be used generically to define the topology of features of interest, and can be specialized for multiple domains. The topology of features of interest is highly important in many use cases. If a room holds a lighting device, and if it is adjacent with an open window to a room whose luminosity is low, then by turning on the lighting device in the former room one may expect that the luminosity in the latter room will rise. The SAREF4SYST ontology pattern can be instantiated for different domains. For example to describe zones inside a building (systems), that share a frontier (connections). Properties of systems are typically state variables (e.g. agent population, temperature), whereas properties of connections are typically flows (e.g. heat flow). SAREF4SYST has two main aims: on the one hand, to extend SAREF with the capability or representing general topology of systems and how they are connected or interact and, on the other hand, to exemplify how ontology patterns may help to ensure an homogeneous structure of the overall SAREF ontology and speed up the development of extensions. SAREF4SYST consists both of a core ontology, and guidelines to create ontologies following the SAREF4SYST ontology pattern. The core ontology is a lightweight OWL-DL ontology that defines 3 classes and 9 object properties. Use cases for ontology patterns are described extensively in [ETSI TR 103 549 Clauses 4.2 and 4.3](https://www.etsi.org/deliver/etsi_tr/103500_103599/103549/01.01.01_60/tr_103549v010101p.pdf). For the Smart Energy domain: - Electric power systems can exchange electricity with other electric power systems. The electric energy can flow both ways in some cases (from the Public Grid to a Prosumer), or in only one way (from the Public Grid to a Load). Electric power systems can be made up of different sub-systems. Generic sub-types of electric power systems include producers, consumers, storage systems, transmission systems. - Electric power systems may be connected one to another through electrical connection points. An Electric power system may have multiple connection points (Multiple Winding Transformer generally have one single primary winding with two or more secondary windings). Generic sub-types of electrical connection points include plugs, sockets, direct-current, single-phase, three-phase, connection points. - An Electrical connection may exist between two Electric power systems at two of their respective connection points. Generic sub-types of electrical connections include Single-phase Buses, Three-phase Buses. A single-phase electric power system can be connected using different configurations at a three-phase bus (RN, SN, TN types). For the Smart Building domain: - Buildings, Storeys, Spaces, are different sub-types of Zones. Zones can contain sub-zones. Zones can be adjacent or intersect with other zones. - Two zones may share one or more connections. For example some fresh air may be created inside a storey if it has two controllable openings to the exterior at different cardinal points. A graphical overview of the SAREF4SYST ontology is provided in Figure 1. In such figure: - Rectangles are used to denote Classes. The label of the rectangle is the identifier of the Class. - Plain arrows are used to represent Object Properties between Classes. The label of the arrow is the identifier of the Object Property. The origin of the arrow is the domain Class of the property, and the target of the arrow is the range Class of the property. - Dashed arrows with identifiers between stereotype signs (i.e. "`<< >>`") refer to OWL axioms that are applied to some property. Four pairs of properties are inverse one of the other; the property `s4syst:connectedTo` is symmetric, and properties `s4syst:hasSubSystem` and `s4syst:hasSubSystem` are transitive. - A symbol =1 near the target of an arrow denotes that the associated property is functional. A symbol ? denotes a local existential restriction. ![SAREF4SYST overview](diagrams/overview.png) @en
  • This ontology extends the SAREF ontology for the water domain. This work has been developed in the context of the STF 566, which was established with the goal to create three SAREF extensions, one of them for the water domain. @en
  • An OWL representation of the Sampling Features Schema described in clauses 8-10 of ISO 19156:2011 Geographic Information - Observations and Measurements. @en
  • A simple OWL representation of the Sampling Features Schema described in clauses 9-11 of ISO 19156:2011 Geographic Information - Observations and Measurements @en
  • The goal of this module is to represent the sample systems , and the undelaying samples, involved in the tribological experiments. @en