  • The DBpedia ontology provides the classes and properties used in the DBpedia data set. @en
  • This is the human and machine readable Vocabulary/Ontology governed by the European Union Agency for Railways. It represents the concepts and relationships linked to the sectorial legal framework and the use cases under the Agency´s remit. Currently, this vocabulary covers the European railway infrastructure and the vehicles authorized to operate over it. It is a semantic/browsable representation of the RINF and ERATV application guides that were built by domain experts in the RINF and ERATV working parties. Since version 2.6.0, the ontology includes the routebook concepts described in appendix D2 \"Elements the infrastructure manager has to provide to the railway undertaking for the Route Book\" (https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/reg_impl/2019/773/oj) and the appendix D3 \"ERTMS trackside engineering information relevant to operation that the infrastructure manager shall provide to the railway undertaking\". @en
  • LinkedGeoData ontology has been derived from concepts defined by Open Street Map @en