  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    rdfs:comment which provide the components of abstract
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    rdfs:comment type of Process. Formally, an action is, Action can be part of a plan of an agent (formally,, a plan ia a list of actions), or can
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    rdfs:comment DrammarScene A DrammarScene is a type of scene,, which contains the set of plans in conflict. The
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    rdfs:comment Emotion is the class of emotions felt by an agent, as the subclass of MentalState described by an,, when appraised, is an emotion of (isEmotionOf
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    rdfs:comment State that is the actual content of the belief or the goal.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Drammar: a comprehensive ontology of drama @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description knowledge base underlying a number of applications,, Drammar is a comprehensive ontology of drama, realized, through a collaboration of computer scientists @en