  • https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7b62dd7_063a_4c2a_8504_42f7264ba83f energy deposited per unit of mass. One gray is, named for the British physician L. Harold Gray
    rdfs:label Gray @en
    rdfs:comment energy deposited per unit of mass. One gray is, named for the British physician L. Harold Gray
    https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f1b164d_ec6a_4faa_8d5e_88bda62316cc http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAY
    skos:prefLabel Gray @en
    localName Gray
  • skos:altLabel Gray per Second @en
    https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_1f1b164d_ec6a_4faa_8d5e_88bda62316cc http://qudt.org/vocab/unit/GRAY-PER-SEC
    rdfs:comment "Gray per Second" is a unit for 'Absorbed Dose @en
    https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_967080e5_2f42_4eb2_a3a9_c58143e835f9 "Gray per Second" is a unit for 'Absorbed Dose @en
    localName GrayPerSecond
  • rdfs:comment the gray (i.e. joules per kilogram), it measures a,, the corresponding special units, namely the gray @en
    https://w3id.org/emmo#EMMO_c7b62dd7_063a_4c2a_8504_42f7264ba83f the gray (i.e. joules per kilogram), it measures a,, the corresponding special units, namely the gray @en