  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label design dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment In contrast to an as-built dataset (cdc:AsBuiltDS,), this type of construction dataset describes a @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label MEP design dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment A dataset describing a (part of a) planned @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label distributed dataset version @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment dataset it distributes. The dataset version can be @en
    localName distributedDatasetVersion
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label only in target dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment descriptive RDF dataset A (source) containing the, dataset B (target) containing the requirements, a diff, triples that are only available in dataset B should be @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label owner requirements dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment A dataset describing the requirements imposed by, construction project. Such a dataset, when using RDF, can @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label snapshot dataset of @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment A property to directly connect a snapshot dataset, other) to a dataset that contains tasks (temporal context represents a period). @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label version of target dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment a dataset (instance of cdc:DistributionRelation,) with a version identifier of the target dataset or, the dataset served by the target distribution. The @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label construction planning dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment A construction planning dataset, made by a, designer or contractor. This type of dataset typically @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label construction progress dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment A construction progress dataset, maintained by a, of dataset contains construction tasks (cto:Task, dataset already classified as @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title CDC: Construction Dataset Context ontology @en
    rdfs:label contemporary as-built dataset @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Construction Dataset Context (CDC) ontology, remain internal. This dataset metadata encompasses, of content of the dataset (as-built, design, etc @en
    rdfs:comment A contemporary as-built dataset depicts the @en