  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition Another entity associated with this entity if, needed to fully identify this entity or to place it in an appropriate context.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
    rdfs:label has associated entity
    localName hasAssociatedEntity
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition The primary legal address of the entity as, recorded in the registration of the entity in its legal jurisdiction.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
    rdfs:label has legal address
    localName hasLegalAddress
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition The legal form of the entity, taken from the ISO, 20275 Entity Legal Form (ELF) data set maintained by GLEIF.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
    rdfs:label has legal form
    localName hasLegalForm
  • skos:altLabel has additional validation identifier
    vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition by the LEI Issuer to validate the entity data.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
    rdfs:label has other validation identifier
    localName hasOtherValidationIdentifier
    skos:prefLabel has other validation identifier
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition The (primary) registration used by the LOU to validate the entity data.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
    rdfs:label has validation identifier
    localName hasValidationIdentifier
    skos:prefLabel has validation identifier
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition The legal entity that is recorded by this
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 2 Ontology - Who Owns Whom @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description . It was designed for Global Legal Entity Identifier,Ontology for legal entity parent relationships, the Relationship Record format, version 1.1. Legal @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition The ISO 17442 compatible identifier for the legal entity recorded.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition Auto transliterated headquarters address for the legal entity.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation Level 1 Ontology - Who Is Who @en
    skos:definition The identifier of the entity at the indicated, the legal entity as maintained by a business,), the identifier of the entity in the appropriate registration authority.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description Ontology for legal entity identifier registration,. It was designed for Global Legal Entity, key reference data for a legal entity identifiable @en
    rdfs:label has entity id
    localName hasEntityID