  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Ontology for Media Resources @en
    rdfs:comment Corresponds to 'location.name' in the Ontology for Media Resources.
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 describes a, mappings between different metadata formats of media, resources hat describe media resources published on @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Ontology for Media Resources @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 describes a, mappings between different metadata formats of media, resources hat describe media resources published on @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Ontology for Media Resources @en
    rdfs:comment Media Resources with a 'date.type' meaning "recordDate".
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 describes a, mappings between different metadata formats of media, resources hat describe media resources published on @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Ontology for Media Resources @en
    rdfs:comment Media Resources with a 'date.type' meaning "releaseDate".
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 describes a, mappings between different metadata formats of media, resources hat describe media resources published on @en
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Ontology for Media Resources @en
    rdfs:comment Media Resources. Subproperties can be used to
    vocabulary.dcterms:description The Ontology for Media Resources 1.0 describes a, mappings between different metadata formats of media, resources hat describe media resources published on @en