  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment Property used when the label of a tag indicates @en
    rdfs:comment Proprietà usata quando il contenuto di una tag, (modellizza funzionalità esistenti come le tag "for:utente" in Delicious). @it
    rdfs:comment Propriété utilisée quand le libellé d'un tag @fr
    rdfs:comment van een tag aangeeft aan wie de bron is voorgesteld @nl
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    rdfs:label Azione di tagging con una tag n-dimensionale @it
    rdfs:label N-tuple tag action @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:label Acte de taguer avec un tag à n-dimensions @fr
    rdfs:comment Descrive azioni di tagging basate su tag n,-dimensionali (doppie tag, triple tag, ecc.). @it
    localName N-TupleTagAction
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment "todo" tag whenever it is used to create a task awaiting performance. @en
    rdfs:comment Descrive l'azione che si compie con una tag di @it
    rdfs:comment Décrit l'action que l'on accomplit avec un tag de @fr
    rdfs:comment een tag van het type “te doen” wanneer deze gebruikt @nl
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment Describes the action that is performed with a tag @en
    rdfs:comment Descrive l'azione che si compie con una tag @it
    rdfs:comment Décrit l'action que l'on accomplit avec un tag @fr
    rdfs:comment een tag wanneer deze gebruikt wordt om de @nl
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment Property used when the label of a tag indicates @en
    rdfs:comment Corrisponde all'uso di tag il cui contenuto @it
    rdfs:comment van een tag aangeeft aan wie toegangsrechten tot de getagde bron worden toegekend. @nl
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment Property used when the label of a tag indicates @en
    rdfs:comment Proprietà usata quando il contenuto di una tag @it
    rdfs:comment Propriété utilisée quand le libellé d'un tag @fr
    rdfs:comment van een tag aangeeft tot welk medium een via het @nl
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment Corrisponde all'uso di tag definite dall'utente, strutturare la propria collezione di tag. @it
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment definisce le tag per mezzo di una proprietà che @it
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    rdfs:comment resources are aggregated with a collectively defined tag. @en
    rdfs:comment risorse sono aggregate attorno a una tag definita collettivamente. @it
    rdfs:comment ressources sont aggrégées autour d'un tag défini de manière collective. @fr
    rdfs:comment wanneer bronnen worden bijeenverzameld onder een gezamenlijk gedefinieerde tag. @nl
  • vocabulary.dcterms:title Nice Tag Ontology @en
    rdfs:label Visitor tag action @en
    vocabulary.dcterms:description as generally as possible tags or rather tag actions @en
    localName VisitorTagAction